ETA into St Lucia is 15 December

The trade winds are back!, it is 10 PM and we are surfing waves at 8 kts. We think we’ll get to St. Lucia around the 15th. We are at 15 degrees north, which is way too south. We know further north the trade winds are supposed to reach 30 knots, but we are happy with our 15 to 18 knots.

It’s been an interesting day. It started early morning when Adrian woke me up: We finally managed to catch another fish. This was a big dorada, almost 5 kilos. It fought like hell, and we eventually managed to bring it on board but the stern ended up covered in blood – there was blood even on the solar panels. Thanks God Leonor was sleeping, otherwise I would never get her to eat fish again {she is a vegetarian, but eats some fish}.

Next, after breakfast, I had to fix one of the bilge pumps. This pump works the showers and the engine bilge. A couple of years ago it got submerged in water and it’s been giving trouble since. I managed to disassemble it and with lots of WD40 and super glue – the rotor was brokern – fixed it. We have a full spare, but replacing the pump wouldn’t have been the same fun.

Then we cooked the dorada, with some garlic, onions, potatoes and tomato. It was great but we still have more left for the next couple of days.

In the afternoon, the trade winds got back and there was lots of work to do with the sails. Leonor was sleeping in our cabin, and we had the solar shower – full with it’s 5 gallons – on deck. Suddenly it fall through the hatch and missed her head by inches. She didn’t even wake up!

Anyway, we ended the day having some rum with coke and doing some reading. We are now getting ready for a busy night – there are some squalls around, hopefully not too strong.